The work you have done thus far this semester has been analytical, formal, academic; this assignment offers you the opportunity to ‘play’ with language a little by exploring writing as a craft rather than as a mere vehicle for communication. The writing you will do for this assignment does not depart entirely from the practice you've had through the first two quarterly essays nor from the work you have been doing in your cohorts toward the research project; in fact, writing creative nonfiction relies on or draws from many of the principles that guide formal academic writing and research. The difference lies in the subject matter, approach, style, and delivery—in brief, the writer's rhetorical situation and purpose.
Lee Gutkind, himself an acclaimed creative non-fiction writer and editor of Creative Nonfiction magazine, cogently describes the genre of creative nonfiction thus:
Dramatic, true stories using scenes, dialogue, close, detailed descriptions and other techniques usually employed by poets and fiction writers about important subjects - from politics, to economics, to sports, to the arts and sciences, to racial relations, and family relations. Creative Nonfiction heightens the whole concept and idea of essay writing. It allows a writer to employ the diligence of a reporter, the shifting voices and viewpoints of a novelist, the refined wordplay of a poet and the analytical modes of the essayist.Thus, this assignment offers you the opportunity to merge the discipline of research and analysis with the aesthetic qualities of creative writing and to write about a subject from a perspective and in a style that is entirely your own. As Gutkind advises, “Ultimately, the primary goal of the creative nonfiction writer is to communicate information, just like a reporter, but to shape it in a way that reads like fiction.” In this regard, our work with rhetorical tropes and schemes, types of appeals, kairos, and forms of public argument should serve you well; in short, rely on your rhetorical awareness when crafting your essay.
Your essay should run approximately 4-6 pages in length. It should be typed, double-spaced, with clean and consistent formatting (i.e. name, title, page numbers). No formal research is necessary, but the details and information you include in your essay must be presented in good faith; that is, they must be accurate and truthful given the limitations of memory and complexity of perspective.
In order to accommodate your schedule, you may submit your essay at your convenience,
before or after Thanksgiving break:
Tuesday, November 25 or Tuesday, December 2