Thursday, October 2, 2008

Week 6: Consider This . . .

We have spent the last several weeks immersing ourselves in rhetorical theory while examining a variety of texts for their rhetorical value and efficacy. As we now begin to shift from foundational or structural rhetoric, if you will, to the rhetorics of style and form, now is a good time to reflect on the process of rhetorical analysis. For this week's blogs, then, please answer this:

What, in your opinion and experience, is gained through rhetorical analysis? Why do it? Does it offer more than intellectual exercise or not?

Please try to offer a specific example or two to illustrate your point, as we have done in class when reviewing the different stump speeches, quotations, historical campaign ads, et al. texts.

Responders, please consider what our posters have to offer, and see if you agree, disagree, or can expand on their answers---or feel free to offer your own unique perspective.

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