Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"No, We Straight": Obama Racially Bilingual (from NPR's Talk of the Nation)

Audio for this story will be available at approx. 6:00 p.m. ET
Talk of the Nation, March 10, 2009 · In January, then President-elect Barack Obama visited Ben's Chili Bowl in Washington, D.C. When the cashier asked him if he wanted his change, he replied "Nah, we straight." [more]

In this broadcast, Dawn Turner Trice speaks brilliantly about the ways in which we adapt our speech to reach different audiences, noting that our use of language is only as effective as our audience's understanding of it. She talks about the importance of flexibility and adaptablility in speech and the use of vernacular in making ideas accessible--but also of the importance of being genuine, or avoiding affect, in doing so. At its core, it is a discussion about negotiating different communities of discourse.

In the language of our course, her discussion addresses balancing logos (text, words, and arrangement) with pathos (the audience's reception and response) and its effect on ethos (character, either genuine or affected).

I found the program to be an excellent supplement to the discussions we've been having in class, so if you have a few extra moments, I would strongly encourage you to listen in.


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