Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3QE: Collborative Research Proposal--Guidelines

As you draft your proposal, please consider and address the following:

With this project, you have the opportunity to engage a particular thread of public discourse, a unique public argument. Here, you may decide to respond or contribute to an existing public argument or introduce an issue for public awareness and dialogue.

POSITION FOCUS: How you approach the issue, your point of view, will be the core of the paper. It should be manageable, but thorough. It should engage the larger issue through a specific position or argument. It should represent your ethos, or in this case your group ethos, and your particular ‘take’ or ‘angle’ on the issue.

AUDIENCE: To whom will you address your argument? What do you know, or what can you anticipate, about your audience?

PURPOSE: What do you hope to achieve with this project? This question, too often overlooked in research projects, will influence every other decision you make about the project and will frame the project itself. Return to your answer often as you work through the project. Questions to consider:

a. Do you want to move your audience toward conviction or toward action?
b. Do you wish to
* Inform?
* Convince?
* Explore?
* Make decisions?
* Meditate or pray?
* Explore a mode of self-expression?
If you want to achieve a combination of the above, then how would you prioritize your goals?

GENRE: Public arguments enter the stream of discourse through a multitude of forms, each with a particular, distinctive purpose. The form you choose itself makes a rhetorical statement—don’t underestimate the power of form, and try to match your tone, focus, and approach to the form of presentation.

In choosing a genre for this project, you are limited only by your imagination and unique ability: don’t be afraid to take risks, to bring your talents to the table.

Cohorts will present their projects in medias res to the class on April 23.
Final projects are due in the final portfolio on May 11.

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